Ray Win and Bruce are two of my kids favorite people. I’ve known them for 2 years now when I trusted Ray Win with the day to day care of my children at her daycare. As a mother, choosing a daycare is hard. Harder than I ever imagined. I went to check out a bunch when Tom was one and immediately when I walked into Ray Win’s I knew this was the place I wanted to send my kids. Georgia, will always reach for Ray Win when we arrive in the morning and is so happy when I leave her for the day. Bruce began calling my son Tommy Gun and now Tom insists that’s what we call him. Bruce, I’m not sure I’ve told you this, but when Tom see’s you at daycare, he talks about it, a lot LOL!
We planned their photo session originally in November. They had just eloped in Hawaii and wanted to do some local portraits. After our photo session was rained out 3 times we decided to wait for the summer and I’m so glad we did!
I met Bruce and Ray Win down at Centennial Beach. It was a perfect evening. Warm with light cloud cover, I knew we would have a beautiful sunset. We spent the hour we had together just having a good time. They were so relaxed and we just took our time capturing some great photos.
Ray Win and Bruce, thanks for hanging out with me at Centennial Beach for your photo session. It was such a good time! I really hope we can do it again soon! You guys are a dream to photograph!