Boundary Bay Family Photos with the Dewaele's | Tsawwassen Family Photos

One cool part of my job as a photographer is it's provided some totally amazing chances to re-connect with people from my past. Along with a little business driving force called social media, it's allowed my work to be shared, be seen and draw in new clients, some I've known it seems like forever!

Amy Dewaele, a rockstar South Surrey/White Rock Real Estate agent, reached out to me after she had seen photos on from my sister’s family photo session on Instagram (check out the pics HERE!). Growing up, we had been family friends so it was so nice to re-connect all these years later!

I showed up early to our Boundary Bay photoshoot location, which I always do, just to check out the beach conditions. When I arrived, I noticed the city had cut the grass in the location I had been starting out portraits all summer. And it wasn't just a little 'haircut' it was an actual hack job, a bad buzz cut of all the beautiful flowy grass that was tried and true for stunning photography. So I had to improvise and I found another location with beautiful light! It always pays off to show up early for work :)

We got into taking family photos and I just loved the energy from the two boys. Happy kids with fun energy (even if I have to chase them around for a bit :) are the best to photograph. They always make for genuine candid moments, big smiles and lots of laughs. Mom and Dad went with the flow and kept smiling the whole time. The evening in Tsawwassen was beautiful and not a cloud in the sky - a perfect night for family pictures. 

Thanks to the Dewaele family for meeting up with me in Tsawwassen for your family pictures. It was such a blast keeping up with the kiddos and re-connecting with you Amy. I'm sure we'll run into each other at Tap Restaurant one of these days!

One cool part of my job as a photographer is it's provided some totally amazing chances to re-connect with people from my past. Along with a little business driving force called social media, it's allowed my work to be shared, be seen and draw in new clients, some I've known it seems like forever!

Amy Dewaele, a rockstar South Surrey/White Rock Real Estate agent, reached out to me after she had seen photos on my sister's Instagram (check out the pics HERE!). Growing up, our families had been very close so it was so nice to re-connect all these years later! It was a blast from the past to see her, and Amy is so warm and charismatic we didn't miss a beat catching up.

I showed up early to our Boundary Bay photoshoot location, which I always do, just to check out the beach conditions. When I arrived, I noticed the city had cut the grass in the location I had been starting out portraits all summer. And it wasn't just a little 'haircut' it was an actual hack job! A bad buzz cut of all the beautiful flowy grass that was tried and true for stunning photography. I found another location with the most beautiful light streaming through the trees…it always pays off to show up early for work :)

We got into taking family photos and I just loved the energy from the two boys. Happy kids with fun energy (even if I have to chase them around for a bit :) are the best to photograph. They always make for genuine candid moments, big smiles and lots of laughs. Mom and Dad went with the flow and were smiling the whole time. The evening in Tsawwassen was beautiful and not a cloud in the sky - a perfect night for family pictures. 

Thanks to the Dewaele family for meeting up with me in Tsawwassen for your family pictures. It was such a blast keeping up with the kiddos and re-connecting with you Amy. I'm sure we'll run into each other at Tap Restaurant one of these days!

Paige :)


I had the pleasure of taking Jeannines maternity photos at Centennial Beach earlier in the summer. I was thrilled when she reached out to me a month later asking me if she and her sister could gift their mother a photo session! Of course, I was so happy to work with her again!

I loved to see the connection between this stunning mother and her beautiful daughters. The nicest family to spend the evening with down in Boundary Bay!

Sawrey Family Photos | Tsawwassen Family Photographer

Can you feel it?

The shift in seasons is here - the evenings are darker, the sun is cooler, and while the sun is setting there is a chill in the air. I can feel myself bracing for the winter time, but then, we have evenings like this. Evenings when the Sawray family had their family photo session at Centennial Beach that reminded me why I LOVE the transition to fall.

The evening air is crisp and clear which makes for the most beautiful sunsets. Gone is the summer humid haze as we welcome pink skies and beautiful reflections off the water.

The Sawrey family showed up to their photo session ready to love, laugh and enjoy their time together. We knocked off their classic portraits in no time and spent the rest of the time playing on the beach and letting themselves be their true selves. It’s not just the photos, it’s the memories that go with them that make these sessions so special.

Now, if you scroll down to the very last photo, this may be in my top 10 of all time favorite pictures I have EVER taken. The color, the connection and her eyes just make me love everything about it!

To the Sawrey Family, thank you for spending the evening at Centennial beach with me! Although it was our first time meeting, I feel like I’ve known you all for a while :) Thank you for fun moments and sharing some fruit growing tips with me :)

Paige :)

Centennial Beach Family Photos | Kwong Family | Community Photography South Delta

I met the Kwong family at Centennial Beach their photo session on a day summer was slowly moving into fall. It was such a pleasure to capture the special moments between this little family, there is something so special about photographing first time parents.

The weather was ideal for family photos. A soft pastel light that matched beautifully with their Ah-Mazing outfit choices!

The sky turned the most beautiful pastel blue at sunset. The perfect backdrop for this family to cuddle, laugh and enjoy their time together.

To the Kwong family, I loved taking these photos for you! Jessy, it was so nice to reconnect after all these years and meet the newest addition to your family!

Paige :)

Miller Newborn Photos | Lifestyle Newborn Photos

I’ve been a photographer almost 4 years now. My style has grown and I've adapted and love my job more and more every day. But the thing I love the most about being in business this long is photographing the same family more than once! I love to see a family growing in numbers and capturing milestone moments for them. Seriously, there is nothing better!

I first took photos for the Miller family after the arrival of their first daughter two years ago. So it was an absolute pleasure when they reached out to me to take at home newborn photos when their second daughter came into this world.

This was my first newborn photoshoot since the COVID-19 quarentine had ended. I was SO excited to be back doing newborn sessions again. I wore a face mask and had in my mind the whole time to keep a safe physical distance. When I walked into the Miller home, I was amazed to see how much older sister A had grown! She was a complete sweetheart and gentle with her new baby sister. Their baby was a little replica of big sister (genetics never sease to amaze me!). Baby A was the sleepiest little bundle of joy with the most amazing thick black hair. Both Mom and Dad were so welcoming and at ease with now being a family of four; it made my job a complete breeze. I loved their outfit choices, especially how it tied into their home decor. Just a side note - when choosing outfits for a newborn or family photo shoot, make them match your home decor. My wish is that you will have these photos printed and hung on your walls as art so it’s a good idea if they coordinate!

Thank you to the Miller family for welcoming me back into your home to take newborn photos for you. Your welcoming and kind manner makes my job fun, relaxed and reminds me of why I love this job - to connect with amazing people like you! You totally are nailing this family of four thing and hopefully I’ll see you around town one of these days.

Paige :)

Suprun Family Photos & 1st Birthday Cake Smash | Tsawwassen Family Photos

I had the pleasure of photographing one of my fav little families the other evening! I met Ana over Instagram last year; she was expecting her first child and looking for a photographer to capture this momentous time. We had two amazing shoots; her maternity shoot at 2nd beach at Stanley Park and at home newborn photos a couple months later. It was such a pleasure working with her that I was so thrilled when she reached out for me to take photos for her son's first birthday.

Leading up to the shoot, she would send me pics of her preparations for his 'cake smash' set up. Just check out the pictures, it turned out amazing! The actual cake smash didn't go totally as baby wanted nothing to do with the cake and did basically anything not to touch it, let alone eat it! None the less, we still managed to get adorable photos :)

The rest of the shoot was easy and dreamy. They looked amazing and photograph so well as a family of three. Baby M was a little trooper as a cold ocean breeze blew in at the end of the session, but he had no problems cuddling with Mom and Dad.

Dear A + A, thank you for allowing me to capture all of these beautiful milestones in your life. It is a true honor and I love seeing you guys every time! I can't wait for our next session together!

xo P

Tsawwassen Family Photos | Centennial Beach | Community Photography South Delta

My favourite type of new client is a referral client. It means they have heard a raving review from a friend, family member or colleague, most likely seen my photos and are ready to make the investment in their family portraits. I love my clients so when their friend drops an email to have their family photos taken, I know they will most likely be as lovely and cool as the person who referred them.

This was totally the case with Daria. From the start, she was excited to have her family photos taken and so lovely over email. I had taken her friend's maternity and newborn photos last year and she wanted me to create the same images for her. Her family photo session took place a couple weeks after the Covid - 19 restrictions began lifting; the session was booked back in January so I was so happy we were able to finally go ahead with her session!

When I met with her family, I asked them if they would be okay walking a block because there was a gorgeous patch of wildflowers that I knew would photograph beautifully. And I’m so thankful we did! You’d never guess we were in a small ally that led to the beach. It looks like we are in a meadow far away from everything! The dynamic of this family of three was everything. The more time we spent shooting the more fun everyone was having. We nailed so many beautiful locations during this shoot making their gallery diverse and stunning. I loved the dynamics between both mother and daughter and husband and wife, making so many beautiful special moments.

Dear Daria and family, thank you for making the drive to Tsawwassen for your family photos. It was a true pleasure meeting you and taking your photos on this summer evening. I hope we can do it again soon :)

xo Paige

Wells Family Photos | Centennial Beach, Tsawwassen

We had the Wells family photo shoot originally scheduled in Tsawwassen for March 21st. Due to a world pandemic, it was postponed. That feels like such a crazy sentence to write and I sometimes need to pinch myself that the past 3 months actually happened! It was a dark time for me and my business as Covid-19 hit the news, every one of my bookings was cancelled or postponed. At the time, I had no idea if the shoots would be postponed a couple weeks, a month or a year? Even when restrictions started to ease, would people want to book a family photoshoot with me? And thankfully the answer is yes! I think after being on lockdown for three months, people have seen the importance of their family unit and are ready to capture memories on camera. Also, Moms are now looking for an excuse to do their hair and put on mascara :)

I was so thankful when mom Lyndsay reached out to me and told me she was ready to have their family photos taken. We met up in Boundary Bay for their photos on a perfect May evening. The 'perfect May evening' was not in the forecast. I'm not sure if anyone else is noticing this but the Weather Network's predictions are just bananas these days! Changing constantly, always calling for rain and every single network is contradicting one other! I had been checking the weather constantly for the past 24 hours trying to see if we should cancel our shoot because of rain or move the time to make sure we have enough light (if you've shot with me before, you'll know I'm obsessed with light). Lyndsay (bless her!) was so flexible and trusted me to make the weather call for her. My mission was to find the best light to get them the best family photos possible!

We decided to go ahead with the shoot as scheduled, and I'm so happy we did. Despite the weather prediction, we had a perfect evening with little clouds to make for a beautiful sunset. Shooting with the Wells family was a pleasure, they are so lovely and natural in front of the camera. There were so many beautiful and candid moments created and we had the BEST colors at sunset. 

To the Wells family, thank you for holding your booking with me and taking the time to come out to Tsawwassen for your family photos. It was a pleasure to meet you guys and I really hope we can do it again in the future :)

xo Paige


I’ve called Tsawwassen my home since I was 4 years old when my family moved here from Toronto. I spent my youth exploring ever inch of the neighbourhoods beaches, trails and forests. When I became a Tsawwassen family photographer, I thought I knew ever single photoshoot ‘secret spot’. That was however, I connected with another local Delta photographer on Facebook. She had the most beautiful work and stunning images of children playing on what looked like a river bank. Something you’d find down south in North Carolina or Florida. I met up with the other local photographer for a coffee at Petra’s. She had been in the photography game for a long while and now that her own children were grown, she was planning on getting out of the family photography business and move into commercial and big production photography. so bless her, she told me of he secret shoot location in Tsawwassen!

I couldn’t wait to test the location out for myself. When my dear friend Nicole, who I spent my early 20s working at Earls on Robson street with, families photoshoot was nearing, I suggested we tried this new location. Nicole and her beautiful family arrived looking as stunning as always. The last time I photographed Nicole she was 8 month pregnant with her second daughter, so it was amazing to see them as a family of 4.

The new shooting location was nothing short of amazing. The Guidon family was so loving and easy to work with. Older sister was so happy to be infront of the camera and play with mom and dad, while little sister wanted to hug onto momma - which made for beautiful photos. I’m capturing this time in your lives after all.

The highlight of the shoot was walking out onto the glassy tide flats at the end of the session. The sun was glowing the most beautiful golden hue onto the water. Some colors I’ve never photographed before. And as we were walking out, we had eagles soaring all around us. I know I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, we are SO lucky to live here!

Thank you to the Guindon family for coming and meeting up with me and testing out this new shoot location :) I love seeing you guys and love seeing your beautiful family all together.

Another HUGE thank you to Rebekka Logan for taking the time to sit with me over coffee and let me in on one of your favourite shoot locations. You’re so talented and I thank you!


Being a photographer who lives just outside of Vancouver, even if our town nickname is 'sunny Tsawwassen', I still have to deal with the fact that it rains. All. The. Time. Especially as a family photographer, I have to be uber flexible with rain checks because what little kid will last more than 10 minutes in a rainy photoshoot? None! The Mathony Family originally had their family photo session scheduled for October, which was rained out. We moved it to November and it was rained out again. At that point we decided to move it to the spring, and hoped the third time would be a charm.

We didn't completely escape the elements for their photo shoot, for it was the most WINDY day I've ever shot it. A day when all of the kite boarders were out in Boundary Bay. A day too windy for people to set up camp at the beach. Like seriously windy. 

I met the Mathony family in the parking lot and I noticed two things right away. Their amazing outfit choices. This year I'm seeing so much more color than past years and they had amazing bright color combinations that fit together beautifully. Second, they all have the most striking eyes! All bright and icy blue. 

When we started to shoot their family photos, I was amazed at how natural the whole family was in front of the camera. Both kids took direction beautifully and both mom and dad were hands on and super fun; the kids just totally followed suit. We shot in a field for the first while (because it was protected from the wind) before we went down to the beach. The second we were exposed on the sand, holy smokes, the wind just took over! To keep warm we had to keep moving. I felt more like a drill sergeant than a photographer as the wind was so powerful I literally had to yell directions to the family to be heard. Even with the crazy wind, both kids kept smiles on their face and laughed the whole time. By the end of the shoot, the sun peeked through the clouds to make for some beautiful lighting for our last set of photos. Right before both kids ran off the beach and back to the shelter of the car. 

To the Mathony family, thank you for meeting with me on the windiest night ever down at Centennial Beach. You guys were the ultimate troopers for battling the elements and keeping smiles on your face the whole time. I'd love to do it again sometime. Maybe in the heat of July or August on a night when there isn't a cloud in the sky and zero wind lol. But seriously, you guys are the best. Thank you!


My favourite photo sessions are maternity shoots! There is so much to love about them. The mother-to-be is glowing. The beautiful baby bump. The way the partner looks at the woman who is growing his child in her belly. There is so much love, anticipation and joy during these sessions. And Tiffany and Brandon were the perfect examples of why I love these photoshoots so much.

I loved planning this session with Tiffany. When someone puts thought, effort and excitement towards the session, you always know it’s going to go well! We chatted about outfits and locations months before the shoot. We had originally planned to do the photos at the Abbotsford Tulip Festival but unfortunately, due to Covid - 19 the festival was closed this year, but Boundary Bay is a very good second option :)

Tiffany looked amazing wearing a dress from one of my favourite online maternity shop Acmami and her flawless makeup was done by Justyne. T + B were so lovely and kind and so easy to work with in front of the camera. It was such a pleasure to photograph both of them. Tiffany was glowing the whole time and the only instruction I gave to Brandon was ‘you’re job as the Dad is to just look at your beautiful wife the whole time’ and he totally nailed it. As the photographer, it's my job is to pose and instruct the the whole time, but these two often created the most amazing candid moments for me to capture. While we were out in the water, Brandon started to dance with Tiffany just like they had on their wedding day. Seriously SO special to capture.

At the end of the session both T + B headed down to the water to finish off with some beautiful water shots. The tide was just perfect to walk out and we had the most amazing pastel pink sunset to match Tiffany’s dress. What a perfect end to a perfect night.

Dear T + B, thank you for coming to Tsawwassen for your maternity photos. I’m happy our second choice shoot location was so dreamy for you on the night we took photos! I’m looking forward to meet baby soon now and do it all over again with your newborn photos :)

xo Paige


As a Tsawwassen family photographer who lived in Vancouver for the good part of my 20s, I love any excuse to some back into the city. Especially when I can go to my old stomping ground of Kitsilano (beach volleyball anyone?!) to take family portraits. I’m in love with the white sand beaches, city landscape and the towering mountains. It makes me want to pinch myself that we get to call this gorgeous city our own!

I met up with the Morrison family for their family photos at Jericho this fall. Kate felt like an old friend after our correspondence back and forth organizing their photoshoot. I love a good !!!! in my e-mails and so does she! So I know we’d get along well :) Their son Luke was just over one year old. My favourite age to photograph. This age they are on the move and make me WORK for the shots, however, the result is always the most candid and genuine.

It was a crisp fall day for their family photos in Vancouver, which is always my favourite because it makes for a crisp and clear sunset. We had a blast taking photos on the beach and had the BEST sunset over the mountains.

Thank you Kate, Tim and Luke for coming to meet with me for your family portraits. I always love coming to Vancouver and it was especially made great because I met all of you! I hope we can do it again sometime soon :)

Veen Family Photos | Boundary Bay, Tsawwassen

This session was a special one for me because it featured my sister and her beautiful family! My sister and my niece and nephew have always been gracious models (just check out my past blogs - you’ll see them more than once!). When I was a newby photographer they’d be patient with me as I snapped away with little to no experience. That was almost 4 years ago now! And in 4 years, I’ve never had the chance to take family photos for them; my brother-in-law is the Chef/Owner of Tap Restaurant in South Surrey and he often works crazy hours. The Covid-19 restrictions closed the restaurant for dine-in service and they have adapted to an awesome take-out menu. For once, my brother-in-law was off for the night and free for family photos. Silver lining right!

I met up with the Veen family in Boundary Bay, Tsawwassen. The first thing I noticed was Aron’s stunning Aritzia dress, which I knew would photograph like a dream. When I send outfit suggestions to clients, the first thing I say is dress Mom first and then choose the rest of the family's outfits. So much of the shoot revolves around Mom; just check out these photos you’ll see what I mean :) She is the focal point, the heart of the shoot.

We began our shoot and soon discovered our Tsawwassen beach location was the lady bug capital of the WORLD (who would have thought?!). The beautiful little creatures were EVERYWHERE! And knowing my niece and nephew, they love lady bugs. The first 20 minute of our shoot was a mix of taking pictures and catching lady bugs, which made for beautiful candid moments. The rest of our photoshoot was filled with love, joy and genuine family time. The Boundary Bay sunset was one for the books, which in my experience never disappoints.

To the Veen family, thank you for joining me in Tsawwassen for your family photos. I LOVED capturing these moments and memories for you. You’re love for each other is easy and true, which reflect so beautifully in your photos.

xo Paige


Ever since I got into photography I always dreamed of shooting in Hawaii.

My husband and I booked our 2 year wedding anniversary in Maui this past November. Before leaving I connected with Steph and found out that her family would be there the same dates ( amazing!). My dream of a sunrise family photo shoot in Maui was coming true!

We met before sunrise, just at 6:30am. It was still dark but the sky subtly was changing to a morning blue. We headed down to Charlie Young beach in Kehei and were the only ones up at this time. By the time we began shooting, the sky had changed into the most stunning sunrise I had ever seen. The two boys immediately warmed up in front of the camera as they played with mom and dad on the beach. We spent the next hour playing on the shore line, taking photos and enjoying the most beautiful sunrise. Momma Steph looked stunning in her blue dress to match the sunrise. Dad did an amazing job wrangling his boys, playing in the sand with them and tossing them in the air to get the most precious smiles.

As a Vancouver family photographer, it was such a treat to shoot at a location new and inspiring. To the Toigo family, thanks for spending the morning with me playing in the sand and waves. It was a perfect way to spend a Maui morning :)

Welcome Baby Ace | Tsawwassen Newborn Photos

When walking into the home of a new client, you never really know what to expect. The layout, the light, the colours. And what about the family, are they open-hearted, high energy, nervous, a bit of everything?

Turns out this photo session had all the good things; beautiful light, a gorgeous family, lots of love, and the perfect amount of energy from the two little ladies :) You could tell the family was all in shock that they had welcomed a baby BOY into the mix. With two big sisters and not finding out the gender of the baby, it was a big surprise to everyone!

Mom Kristin is a birthing queen. A trained doula herself, she had an all natural birth at home. Well done momma, well done :)

Lifestyle photography is about telling your story, capturing your connections, full of heart and honesty. The chaos, the mess and the love that holds it all together.

Thank you so much for inviting me into your home, words can’t describe how much I enjoyed this session.

R + B Couple Photos Session | Centennial Beach Tsawwassen | Community Photography South Delta

Ray Win and Bruce are two of my kids favorite people. I’ve known them for 2 years now when I trusted Ray Win with the day to day care of my children at her daycare. As a mother, choosing a daycare is hard. Harder than I ever imagined. I went to check out a bunch when Tom was one and immediately when I walked into Ray Win’s I knew this was the place I wanted to send my kids. Georgia, will always reach for Ray Win when we arrive in the morning and is so happy when I leave her for the day. Bruce began calling my son Tommy Gun and now Tom insists that’s what we call him. Bruce, I’m not sure I’ve told you this, but when Tom see’s you at daycare, he talks about it, a lot LOL!

We planned their photo session originally in November. They had just eloped in Hawaii and wanted to do some local portraits. After our photo session was rained out 3 times we decided to wait for the summer and I’m so glad we did!

I met Bruce and Ray Win down at Centennial Beach. It was a perfect evening. Warm with light cloud cover, I knew we would have a beautiful sunset. We spent the hour we had together just having a good time. They were so relaxed and we just took our time capturing some great photos.

Ray Win and Bruce, thanks for hanging out with me at Centennial Beach for your photo session. It was such a good time! I really hope we can do it again soon! You guys are a dream to photograph!

Mom + Son Sunset Session | Centennial Beach, Tsawwassen | Community Photography South Delta

There are some photos that when I look at, there is so much love, raw emotion and joy it actually makes me smile to myself. Lauren and Cameron’s mother and son photo session at Centennial Beach had many of those moments.

I first met Lauren when I was 6 years old and she was my cool sisters cool friend. I haden’t seen her for year as she lives overseas but she reached out that she was coming back to Tsawwassen for a visit and wanted family photos done. We discussed location and the timing of her session. She was a little worried about a sunset session in July because it was pushing baby Cameron’s bedtime by a couple hours. With two babes of my own I know the importance of baby bed time. But here is a fun fact, in my experience of being a family photographer, if a kid is outside at the beach they are totally happy! And yes, they will be tired by the end of the session, and then we’ll get the cutest baby cuddle photos.

Our session was full of smiles and beautiful candid moments between mother and son. Cameron was a text book angel baby and was all smiles for the first half of our shoot, and then with a few rubs of his eyes near he fell fast asleep in him moms arms.

Lauren, it was so great to re-connect with you and meet your gorgeous baby boy! Thank you for allowing me to capture these moments for you!

Centennial Beach Family Photos | Tsawwassen, BC | Community Photography South Delta

I met up with Indy, Matt and there adorable son Adrian at Centennial Beach in sunny Tsawwassen for their family photos. I’m not sure if it was the time of day, the setting, Indy’s dress or ALL of the above, but the color tone of these photos are so magical. Well, almost as magical as Adrian’s smile throughout the shoot :)

Adrian honestly made me feel like the funniest person on the planet. He would laugh and smile at all my ‘jokes’, which included playing peek-a-boo, tickling him with a soft plant, making funny faces. As long as he was cuddling with his mom and dad he was a happy camper.

Indy and Matt, thanks for allowing me to capture your family photos. You guys have such a happy, fun little boy and you all were such a pleasure to photograph!


Jeannine + Kevin met me at Centennial Beach in Tsawwassen on a beautiful spring evening for their beach maternity sessions. The day had been cloudy and we even touched base earlier in the day with the possibility of rescheduling due to weather, but I’m sure glad we didn’t. We enjoyed the most beautiful sunset and gorgeous light as they celebrated the coming arrival of their first baby.

J + K thank you for choosing me to capture this special time in your lives. Your baby is one lucky little guy to have parents like you!

Motherhood Sunset Photo Session | Centennial Beach Tsawwassen | Community Photography South Delta

May was my month of the Motherhood Sunset Sessions at Centennial Beach. It was a month of me capturing Mothers with their children as they laugh, played and loved down at the water in Sunny Tsawwassen.

This session was a special one for me. As a photographer, the biggest compliment you can recieve (in my opinion) is when ANOTHER photographer asks you to take their family photos. This was the case with Sioban of Siobhan Deol Photography, another family photographer in Tsawwassen.

The evening at the beach was calm, bright and we had a beautiful sunset. It was the first night where it really started to feel like summer was here. Calm ocean with beautiful pastels.

You could tell her kids were used to being infront of the camera. There were so many special moments between her and her kids. One of my favorite was when her little dude had his ‘mommy and me’ moment of candid photos on the beach. He just embraced the moment and loved snuggling and playing with his momma.

Sioban, thank you for trusting me in capturing your Motherhood Session at Centennial Beach. I look forward to getting together and geeking out of everything photography over coffee..or wine..probably wine!